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  • Into the Sunset

    I painted over my son’s boyhood. With a dip and a roll, I watched with detached sorrow – as if I wasn’t the one doing it – and covered his childish fantasy with a…

    Jul 15
  • Clean Slate

    Every parent, at some point in the life of their child, usually sooner rather than later, will wish for two things. 1. An instruction manual and 2. An off switch. There are moments when…

    Aug 1
  • Bullies

    “Nobody likes me anymore,” my son shared as he stared at the bubbles in his bath. “I’m sure that’s not true,” I corrected him, “Why do you say that?” He proceeded to tell me…

    Mar 31
  • Meet in the Middle

    “Could you hand me the remote?” I reached out and leaned towards my eight-year-old son, so he could place the controller in my hand. Instead, he stayed curled on the couch under his blanket…

    Jan 11