Okay, you’re probably wondering where in the world I have been. My life has been a whirlwind this past week. I have just been too busy to blog!! I did finish my challenge. Most of the days, I gave compliments. I still haven’t bought someone’s lunch in the drive thru, yet! But I want to do that one day. Thank you to those of you who participated. There were more that participated than left comments, because I spoke to you and you told me.
Thank you for the sweet comments for my grandmothers. If you haven’t done that, I would still love to have your prayers and comments for them! Some of you have told me in person that you have prayed for them. I covet your prayers.
The challenge week is over, but I still find myself looking around and trying to find someone unsuspecting to be nice to. So I have decided that the challenge will live on in my heart. Isn’t that what God wants from us anyway?
Matthew 25:40“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’
God is doing great things my way! I hope you are being blessed as well!