Three hundred sixty-five days. Eight thousand seven hundred sixty hours. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Thirty-one million five hundred thirty-six thousand seconds. One year. No matter how you add it up, they all equal one year. One year has changed my life.
This time last year I was consumed with planning, preparing, and executing the most fabulous Dora birthday party ever. I wasn’t writing. I didn’t have a blog. To tell you the truth, I had never even read a blog. But God was working on me. He was preparing my heart. Give up the junk novels, he told me. Sadly and slowly, I got rid of all of my trashy romance novels. (Ouch! That hurt ‘cause, friends, I loved me some juicy reading.) Replace those novels with spiritual books, he said. I began reading Jill Briscoe’s book here am I, Lord…send somebody else!
Jill said some things in her book that echoed the words of my own grandmother. Ask the Lord to use you. For years, my grandmother has said Use Me, Lord every morning when she gets out of bed. She is ninety-three. Sounded easy enough, so I tried it. Sometime last March I uttered those three words to our Lord and truly meant it – Use me, Lord.
And He did. I had no idea that He would use my love for words and writing to glorify Him. But He has. I began writing devotions and saving them on my computer – just for the sake of writing. I decided that if I was serious about writing then I needed as much practice as possible, so I started a blog. Four days later, I was asked to join Faith Lifts, a devotional website for moms, and write devotions every other week. With God’s guidance, I launched into unfamiliar territory. Use me, Lord.
Sometimes I hear from people my words have touched. One friend read a blog at her family Christmas gathering. Two Sunday School classes at my parent’s church used a blog to help teach the parable of Matthew 25 in their class. One sweet friend I’ve never met shared how a devotion helped her marriage. Use me, Lord.
God blew my socks off most recently when I won Lysa Terkeurst’s writing contest. I will be published in the May ’08 issue of the P31 magazine. Being published has been a life-long dream, and God has given me the desire of my heart. Use me, Lord.
My passion is helping other women find out what God’s plan is for their lives. I have written the message God has given me into a book called Woven. Now I wait for Him to show me which way to step next, all the while asking Him to Use me.
One year. A lot has gone on in one year. God can do some incredible things in one year. Three hundred sixty-five days. Eight thousand seven hundred sixty hours. Five hundred twenty-five thousand six hundred minutes. Thirty-one million five hundred thirty-six thousand seconds. I wonder what the next year will bring? How ’bout you?
I hope you get it!
This is awesome! God is sooo good! I hope you get it ,too!
Hugs, Cheri
Praying that God will open the door for you to attend this! I know my friend that went last year walked away so blessed!
And GIRL, I’ve got something to share with you….just got to find the time to call. Can’t do this one in e-mail!
Wow Carol! Another winner in my book. You have my vote 🙂
Something the pastor said at church last Sunday echoes your message today…
God doesn’t care about our “ability” as much as our “availability”. He just wants us to be there and he’ll give us the ability we need to get the job done. He has sure done that for you!
THANK YOU for being available. God has already done some powerful good through your ministry. May He continue to mightily bless your efforts…and I pray that includes an invite to She Speaks in June 🙂
I am blessed each time I come by your place by your obedience to the Lord. He can for sure use obedience! I love reading how He can use anyone of us, if only we will surrender to what He is calling us to do. Blessings to you as you pursue Him and all that He has for you! How exciting!
Kimberly 🙂
It is amazing what God can do with our lives and how much can change in one year. My story is very similar. One year ago, writing was not even on my radar and I had no idea how to blog. And, so much has changed… God is great! Hope you get to go to the conference. It’s awesome!
Another awesome post! I pray that God will continue to bless your desire to be used by Him.
Another wonderful post and yes it is amazing what God can do in one short span of a year. Blessings on your opportunity to attend the conference.
I loved this post, it shows your obedience and being available to the Lord. Blessings on getting to attend.
Congrats on your writing journey. I love hearing how people stepped into this call. It is a call you know.
GOD has called you. I’m so glad you’re listening.
May He bless the work of your hands in 2008..
A beautifully honest post. I loved your “Jesus at McDonalds” post. Congrats on your achievements. You’re an excellent writer. Hope to see you at She Speaks! 🙂
I think it is so awesome that God has opened these opportunities for you.
I wrote 30 devotionals a couple of years ago. My computer crashed and I lost everyone. At first I was heartbroken. You know what it’s like to pour your heart into it, right.
But then God came in peace and allowed me to see that a season in my life was passing and that He was doing something new.
Praise God for all He is doing through you. I think it is awesome that your grandmother taught you that.
Have a blessed night,