It’s the square of ten.
It’s the number of years in a century.
It’s the number of yards on a football field.
It’s the number of tiles in a Scrabble set.
In Greece, India, and Israel, it’s the number to call the police.
It’s the U.S. currency with Benjamin Franklin’s picture on the front.
It’s the number of Fisher-Price Little People in my living room.
In television, it’s the number of episodes needed for a show to become syndicated.
It’s the number of posts I’ve written!
Today is my one hundredth post! Happy one hundred, sheep to the right! And to celebrate my one hundredth post, I’ve had a bloggy makeover. (If you’re reading this by email, click on over to check out the new look.) It helps to be married to a graphic designer.
I’ve heard of people celebrating their 100th post by listing 100 things about themselves, but y’all I don’t have time to type one hundred things, and I know y’all don’t have time to read them. But don’t fret; I’ve come up with a plan. I’ll give you a list of ten, and you can read them ten times. You see, ten times ten equals one hundred! I know, I know. I have incredible math skills.
So, here’s the list.
Ten Things You Might Not Know About Me, Unless, of course, You are Really Close Friends or Relation, in which case, You Can Skip the List Altogether Because We are Already Tight
1. I still sleep with the baby pillow I’ve had since I was a tiny girl. (Okay, it has been replaced a few times with newer baby pillows, but it even vacations with me.)
2. I color coordinate my closet in the order of the rainbow. ROY G BIV (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)
3. One of my all-time favorite movies is Beauty and the Beast.
4. I can make the best mooing sound. I went to college at the University of Tennessee. Once I was sitting in a line of traffic to get into Dollywood right next to a large pasture, and I had lots of time to perfect it.
5. I DO NOT LIKE PETS! Okay, fish are okay. We have two – Teddy and Spidey Fish.
6. I do not eat seafood. My mom claims I ate it until the first time I caught a fish and realized where they came from.
7. As a teenager, sometimes I just sat and read the thesaurus. I LOVE words!
8. When I can’t sleep, I pick a closet in my house and completely re-organize it in my mind. I love to organize so much I find it calming. Strange, I know.
9. I have worked at Chic-fil-A, a daycare center, at Campfire Boys and Girls (as a camp counselor), American Eagle Outfitters, and at the school system as a teacher.
10. This is the best. I worked at the University of Tennessee Alumni Association as a caller. We called the alumnus and asked for money. We sat at computers with headphones and when the person would answer the call, their info would pop up on the screen. Well, everybody knows you are calling to ask for something when you use their whole name (first, middle, last) to address them. So I would just skim the name and use the first and last name. One call, I skimmed the name and asked for Hon Hess. The lady on the other line questioned me and I repeated, “May I speak to Hon Hess?” She told me that no one by the name of Hon Hess lived there but she was Patricia Hess. I said, “Oh, that is you. It says right here, Hon Patricia L. Hess. I don’t know why they put that big ‘ole H-O-N in front of your name.” She was quiet on the other end for a split second, and then replied, “Well, I do. It means Honorable. I am a judge.” You could have rolled me up and tucked me under the rug. I was so embarrassed. It was bad enough that I didn’t know what the Hon. meant, but the southern way I drawled it out made me sound like a complete idiot! “I don’t know why they put that big ‘ole H-O-N in front of your name!” UGH!! After I got over the embarrassment, I had a good laugh at myself.
Now you know everything you’ve always wanted to know about me and then some. To help commemorate this special occasion, I am going to give away a signed copy of the book I edited Triumph Over Tragedy by Reggie A. Jones. If you leave me a comment, you will be registered in the book give away. I will hold the contest open until Thursday, because Thursday is my birthday! I’ll announce the winner then. It’ll be a great celebration!
Thanks to all of you who read my blog! Thanks to all of you who share with me how something I’ve written has spoken to you or how you’ve shared it with another friend or your family. You know how to make a girl feel good! Thanks for sharing my Happy 100th with me!
p.s. Today is my Dad’s birthday! Happy Birthday Dad!
WOW! This looks so good! OK… Now when is Alan going to hook me up 🙂 Seriously I love it.
You don’t have to enter me for the book since I already have it, but you can come back over and help me clean again if I win 🙂 or you can help me figure out a way to keep my husband from hijacking my blog… or better yet, you can help me come up with his payback.
As you lifted my spirits this AM, I say Thanks! Yesterday I was able to go to church with my “walking stick”, and count with your Uncle Frank. I can truly say this made my day, as it was great seeing everyone, and I needed the Church Family and seeing the King Family that I personally claim as my Georgia Family. I would love to win the book, however I need to know where I can buy it when I can get out more soon. I wish for you One Hundreds more writings, God has given you a gift and you are aware of this, which helps people like me. Love Ann
As an East TN girl myself I can relate to the cow mooing ability. Unfortunately, As someone who embarrasses herself quite frequently I can also relate to the Hon Hess story. 🙂 too funny
The new layout is great! Number 10 was too funny. That is something I would totally do!
Congratulations on your 100th post. I like the new look and learning more about you.
Happy 100th post to you and a very Happy and blessed birthday to your dad! >:0)
Chick-fil-a was my first job, but not before being a counselor at the same church camp that I grew up going to. >:0) I also worked in a day care. I never worked in a mall store, or as a teacher for that matter. Unless, being a Sunday school teacher counts. he,he.
This was a cute post! While I’ve only just found your blog, I have thoroughly enjoyed going back to read past posts, and have been filled with the Spirit. Thank you for that!
Happy 100th post!
Happy Birthday to your dad!
Happy almost Birthday to you!!!!!
I am so HAPPY myself cause you got things worked out for my sad little pc to be able to read the loveliness that comes from your mac. 🙂
And your new look is terrific! Blessings, sweet Carol! Looking forward to the next 100 posts. No pressure, though. 🙂
Lovin’ the new look.
The HON story is just hilarious. I mean you gotta laugh at that…you just gotta!! 🙂
GO 100!!!!
Love the new look! I forgot to congratulate myself on my 100th post a while back–can’t believe I missed out on a celebration!..Anyway..congrats to you…so glad I ‘met’ blessed..Sita
By the way, just loved # 10–hope she had a great sense of humour–sounds like a Readers’ Digest anecdote—I love to laugh..thank u!
Congratulations on your 100th blog. I still can’t get over the fact you have 100 of those Little People toys, lol. Great blog!!!
LOVE IT, it looks incredible! And you are incredible too, such an encouragement to us all . . . keep on blogging!
OH–and I thought I would know most of those things you listed, but there were a few that were a surprise, lol!
Happy Birthday Thursday Carol from Amanda! I’m lovin’ the TN references in your special 100th post and am PROUD to say I knew nearly everyone of those little tidbits, except the pillow I suppose. The best part is the EMPHASIS you placed on “BIG ol’ H-O-N in front of your name!” Love that story… classic. Think you need to look up good ol’ “Hon Hess” and send her this blog! HA! Wonder if she’d appreciate it like us? Keep up the amazing writing. You’re such a blessing. I so enjoy seeing your posts show up in my email regularly. Makes me think I still live close by!! Love and hugs, Amanda Stewart
Oh funny!
Number 10 cracked me up!
I worked at Sears in the catalog department about 20 years ago, it was crazy busy one day and one line wouldn’t automatically go on hold, I answered the line, “Sears Catalog, may I hold you?”
“Uh, yes, I guess.” Came the deep man’s voice on the other line! I could have just died!!