My arms hurt. On Sundays after church, I carry my ten pound purse, my five pound Bible, Alan’s five pound Bible, two pounds of paper loaded with glue and glitter, and drag one little forty pound princess to the car. When I get there I quickly deposit each of my weighty items into the floorboard. After the instant relief, I hop in the front seat and sigh. Ahhhh. My arms feel weightless but hurt.
Today, I carried one chapter with a haunting deadline, one cookie cake needing to be bought, one room mom letter needing to be distributed, two children needing to be disciplined, two Glorieta workshop handouts needing to be written, one dinner needing to be cooked, one little ear threatening infection, two laundry baskets of wrinkled clothes needing to be folded, one friend needing to be lifted, and one husband in need of attention. My arms hurt.
Lord, I lay all of these weights at the foot of your cross. I know that you will carry them for me. Lord, they hurt. And it brings me to tears knowing you’ll carry them still. Oh God, hold me. How can I ask you to carry what I cannot and still ask you to renew me and fill me? I don’t deserve it God, but I know you are bigger than I can ever comprehend. I give it all to you, Lord. Every weight, every worry, every child, every friend, every need. Fill me. Oh God, tomorrow let me fly.
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. (Isaiah 40:31 NIV)
Hi Carol, thank you for a wonderful post. We do give alot to the Lord and expect alot in return. Isn’t it wonderful that He is so gracious and obliges us! Your post reminds me of 2 Corinthians 12:9 where Paul writes that “His power is made perfect in our weakness.” I am very fond of that chapter and how Paul expresses that for Christ’s sake he delights in weaknesses, hardsips, difficulties, etc as when he is weak, he is also strong. I love the verse in Isaiah that you quoted too, as we do need to soar on wings like eagles. God wants us up there and to keep keep running for Him and never grow weary. We so need Him to do that! Thank you again, In Him, Paula
Good word for me today because my arms are BROKEN!!!!
Hey, Carol! Great post! I can so relate with all of the “stuff” that we carry on a daily basis. Isn’t is great to just let it down at the foot of the cross and feel the instant relief? I love that scripture!
I am feelin’ ya Sister…I have to lay it down…and then I think I’ll go lay down myself…physically and spiritually…I’m weary, too!!
Oh girl, do you ever have me thinking…. so much we can lay down. Great post!
Carol, I wish I had some great and amazing wisdom to offer you. Some words of comfort to smooth over evey worry and wrinkle. But you are doing exactly what you need to do. You are laying down what you were never meant to carry.
You are SUCH a precious woman of God with SUCH a beautiful heart for your family and friends. You are a blessing, Carol…to ALL who know you.
May the God of all peace comfort your heart as you surrender these burdens into His more than capable arms.
Love you, sweet friend!
LOVE THIS! And oh so needed today!
Don’t we all just need to do this more often!! Thanks for the reminder!!