Remember the guys from prison that I have told you about? I am so excited to share with you an article from the Gwinnett Daily Post on these very same men. And even better – pictures!!!
I’ve never been able to get pictures of these men, but the newspaper did. Please check out this incredible article about the life changing power of Christ. You’ll see pictures of the men, a picture of the one and only Dr. Dan (he’s the one teaching the men in all the pictures), and a picture of their classroom. (There are 29 pictures at the bottom of the article.) This is the same place I visited in the post I wrote
HERE to read the article and see the pictures in the Daily Post.
I'm one sassy southern Mama who loves Jesus and isn't afraid to shout it. My passions are Jesus, my husband, my kids, and chocolate. I'm a teacher turned Christian writer. Ask me why I love Jesus and be prepared to sit a spell.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, but don't forget to love your neighbor as yourself. I am a firm believer that we can change the world one person at a time - by being Christ with the skin on to those who are in need.
Are you a sheep or a goat?