Who Touched Me?

Jul 13

5 Minutes for Faith - Daily Devotions for Moms

Are there things on your prayer list that never get crossed off? There are times I pray for things so often that my prayers are out of habit and not out of belief – belief that He hears them and will answer. Have you ever been surprised when God has answered a prayer? I have! Then I wonder about my faith. If I didn’t believe He could answer, then why did I pray in the first place…

Join me today at 5 Minutes for Faith to read the rest of my devotion. Click HERE. This is an oldie but a goodie. It was originally posted in November of 2007, but it is one of my favorites.

Happy Monday!


p.s. If you’ve never read the book I talk about in this devotion – Listening for God by Marilyn Hontz – I highly recommend it. You can check it out with the link on the left side of my blog in the Amazon box.  

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