I’m moving out. It’s been coming for a while, but I didn’t realize the inevitable until today. I’m moving out. I guess I asked for it – kind of. Looking back, I can definitely see the signs.
I’m moving out of my comfort zone.
Last month I read Priscilla Shirer’s book And We Are Changed: Encounters with a Transforming God. She used the story of Ruth and Naomi to talk about how sometimes we must move out of our comfort zones for God to do a great work. She said:
If we always operate in our areas of knowledge or skill, or if we only do things in which we excel, we will never leave room for the Almighty God to move in our midst.
I felt it in my gut the first time I read it, knowing God was speaking to me. “But God, I’ve moved out of my comfort zone. Remember how I flew to New Mexico? Remember how I went to minister in the prison? Those were not easy for me.” He was silent in return. Sometimes when He says things once and doesn’t repeat them, I can feel Him giving me “the look.” You know the one you give your children when they know better.
So, I reluctantly prayed, “Lord, if you truly think I’m too comfortable (which I didn’t think I was), move me out of my comfort zone.” And then I wondered where in the world He would take me this time. This month, I’m reading What Happens When Women Walk in Faith by Lysa Terkeurst, again. As she was sharing her story, I read these words:
It was never part of my plan to have more children, but praise God, it was part of His plan. Has is been easy? No. I left my comfort zone and entered into a famine place where I am forced to depend of God like never before.
As I read her words I was thinking, yeah, me too, honey; I didn’t plan on more children either. And I chuckled to myself. But when I read what she said about moving out of her comfort zone, I had an “aha!” moment. I remembered what I read in Priscilla Shirer’s book and ran to find it. As I read her words again, I was struck by the words that followed those original sentences.
Scripture says that He demonstrates His strength when we are weak (2 Corinthians 12:9).
It was then I knew without a doubt God was speaking to me. There was that verse again. The one He gave me when I found out I was pregnant. The same one He took me back to when I was looking for our baby’s name.
My life is about to be crazy. I don’t do crazy. Those of you who know me well, know I like neat and tidy. When I can’t sleep at night, I choose a closet in my head and reorganize it. It soothes me. I. Like. Order. It makes me comfortable.
So for some unknown reason, God would like me to be a little uncomfortable. Perhaps He is preparing me for something greater. Maybe He wants me to let go of the controls a little more. Or quite possibly, His desire is to truly show me His strength and power, and He can only do that in my weakness.
Whatever the reason, I’m packing my bags to move out of the zone – the comfort zone. Want to come?
Perhaps he's preparing you for a colicky baby. Oh, dear Lord, I hope not!!
How much longer, Sister Mary Preggo?
I moved out about a year ago and love the experience of living each day in total dependence on God. I'm hanging on for dear life… the abundant life that Christ died to give me.
Sheree DeCouto
PS. Lysa Terkuerst is coming to Fellowship Bible Church, Roswell, GA on February 5th & 6th 2010 Registration will begin 12-1-09 at http://www.fbconline.org
I'm there, too. Out of my comfort zone and I have to admit I have been complaining about it lately.
But I'm going to stop complainging and be thankful that His strength is about to be made known in my uncomfortable weakness.
I'm going to think on that verse today. We still haven't been able to decide on a name and it is oh-so-important to us!
You must be getting close now…?
This is great-I am soooo ready to Move Out with ya!!! Pregnancy or new inistry opportunity or whatever…Looking fwd. to what God can do:)
I don't "want" to come necessarily, but I'm sure I will. :o)
God bless you as you wander into the unknown with Jesus.
I think out of your comfort zone, while uncomfortable by definition, will be a sweet place to be when holding an infant.
Isn't that a lovely confirmation that your sweet baby is sent directly from his hands to your arms. Delightful!
If Out Of My Comfort Zone were a real town, you and I would share the same zip code. I'M THERE in several ways.
And it kinda makes me itch.
I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine. :>)
Girl, you know I'm moving on our right now, keep praying for me! The words that struck me here were:
"If we always operate in our areas of knowledge or skill, or if we only do things in which we excel, we will never leave room for the Almighty God to move in our midst."
Such a powerful thought . . . I'm going to make some room for Him to work and move!
Love you!
Yes, uncomfortable is where God has put me and continues to put me time and again. Thanks for this post, Carol!
Nice to stumble on your blog!