The amusement parks have it figured out. Whether in line at Six Flags or Disney World, there is entertainment while waiting in line. Perhaps it’s a television with the latest popular Disney music video or even shadow fish swimming along the wall beside you in line. Whichever the distraction, they seem to work.
Where are my moving fish?
I sit straight in my chair for the best use of my lung capacity. I cannot breathe. One tiny girl residing inside me takes up any extra space I might have once used for long sighs and gargantuan inhales. My feet ache from walking with the extra weight. My poor toes are in desperate need of a pedicure I am unable to provide for them – if only I could reach the sad chipped pink nails.
There is a nursery with miniature clothes washed and hanging in the closet. A mobile hangs over a pink crib ready to display a light show on the ceiling all while bursting forth with a lullaby. The glider in the corner sits empty. No new mother is rocking. The teeniest tiniest diapers wait in a basket to cover the teeniest tiniest hiney, but the changing table is empty.
Where is my popular music video?
God has promised me a baby girl – his Grace. My heart longs to see her. My arms long to hold her. But she is not here. I know that “he who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23 NIV) But why, oh why, is it so hard to wait? At least in line at Six Flags, you can look ahead and judge how long it will take to get to the front. At Disney, there are even signs – The wait from here is 1 hour. But when you are waiting on God, you are on His timetable.
What are waiting on today? Are you pacing the floor like me and wondering what you can do to speed up the process? Know that you are not alone. Together we will wait on the Lord.
Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Psalm 27:14 NIV
While I’m waiting, I can pray for you. Share with me what’s on your heart as you wait for the Lord.

Please help me praying. I am 8 weeks pregnant and been spotting for the past 3 wks. All tests are coming back normal. But, I can wait for the spotting to come to an end! Please pray for me!!!
Heb. 10:23 is my memory verse for the next two weeks. 🙂
Praying for you! Can't wait to cuddle this precious little one!!
The odd thing is that sometimes I am not even sure what I'm waiting for. I know your anticipation is great! The analogy from Disney- excellent.
This was so great. I can relate, being a mother of two.
You deserve a professional pedicure while you wait. Head to the spa!
Just know one thing…it is WORTH THE WAIT! (I know you know that since you already have kids…but it still is!)
Your little one will be here soon. My prayer is that all things will be well and you can enjoy your little bundle. God bless!
Hi! I just found your blog from the internet cafe devotions. I love your devotional and I have enjoyed reading through your blog. I look forward to your updates.
I hear you had a 9-er on the 9th and that she's in the NICU. (Amy at Signs Miracles & Wonders dedicated TSMSS to y'all). Praying all will soon be well and she'll be home with you soon!!