Meet in the Middle

Jan 11

“Could you hand me the remote?” I reached out and leaned towards my eight-year-old son, so he could place the controller in my hand. Instead, he stayed curled on the couch under his blanket and poked the TV changer out the edge. “Here,” he offered. From my seat, the only way I was reaching that remote was with extendable arms. I leaned further stretching myself as far as I could without leaving my chair.

He grinned knowing I couldn’t reach it or him. “Colin, you are going to have to reach out to me,” I told him getting a little exasperated. “Okay,” he drawled sitting up with ease. And just like that, the remote was in my hands. It took effort on both our parts.

Our relationship with God can be the same. We call to Him in a time of need and expect Him to do all the work. “Come to me, Lord,” we declare from under the warmth of fuzzy blankets. Then when He doesn’t show up at once on the scene, we call again, “Here I am,” poking one little finger out from under the covers. And when we do, He patiently waits, “Reach out to me.”

Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8 NIV

The Bible tells us that we have to take that first step towards our Heavenly Father. He is just waiting for us. Are you still lying on the couch waiting for Him to show up?

Consider these lyrics to an old country song by Diamond Rio.

I’d start walking your way,

You’d start walking mine.

We’d meet in the middle

‘Neath that old Georgia pine.

We’d gain a lot of ground,

‘Cause we’d both give a little.

And their ain’t no road to long,

When you meet in the middle.

There isn’t a road too long or a mountain too high when we meet God in the middle. I don’t know about you, but I’m strapping on my walking shoes.

**I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a great start to a new year! Sorry for my absence. God called me to be a mother before He called me to be a writer. I knew you’d understand.

My little writing buddy this morning.

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