Do you ever worry about the state of our nation? Have you taken those concerns to the Lord? Well, there is an incredible group of people that have committed to prayer for our nation’s leaders – no matter who is in office – to ask God to give them wisdom and direction.
This group, called the Presidential Prayer Team, has asked me to join with them by writing devotions for our nation. The site is packed with information about what is going on in the political realm and how you, as a Christian, can pray.
I encourage you to sign up on The Presidential Prayer Team website. You will not only get devotions emailed to you daily, but you will get a regular newsletters about current events and how you can pray.
To read my devotion today. Click HERE.
This link will take you to the devotions. If you are reading this after April 7, the devotion will have changed. This isn’t a direct link to my specific devotion and will only allow you to read it today.
Yours in Christ,

Um, Hello, if it is one thing our country needs it is prayer! Glad you are joining in. I'm clicking over now.