Where’s Waldo?

May 7


When I was a teen, Where’s Waldo books were super popular. I spent hours searching for his red and white striped shirt in the pages of his books. I wonder if you are thinking the same thing about me.

Where’s Carol?

I returned from the Dominican Republic after an incredible trip and disappeared from my website. Let me explain. When we returned, our air conditioner broke, our van died and then our dog (yes, our precious dog Comet) died.

The kids had spring break. I turned 40! We had Easter. Then throw in some chicken pox, two bladder infections and a stomach virus for the kids. Yep. That’s where I’ve been. Just trying to keep my head above the water.

I’m still planning on telling you all about my trip. But it’ll have to wait for another day. School is deliciously close to being out, but that means lots of responsibilities for a mom of three.


In the meantime, enjoy a good Grace story at Just 18 Summers. You won’t believe why I had to threaten to punish my two older kids. Come find out. Click HERE to read my family funny there today. It’s called Kiss Day.

And if you aren’t my Facebook friend, come find me on Facebook. If we don’t know each other already, just let me know you are a reader. I post on there quite often. Also, I can get to know you, too. 🙂


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