Browsing Tag


  • Buried Treasure

    We wandered in and out of the rooms searching for treasure. Memories. A piece of history to carry with us. After my grandmother’s passing, the grandchildren were invited to her house to reminisce and…

    Oct 10
  • Sleeping in Church

    I was sound asleep. Our regular pastor wasn’t there, and we had a special speaker – a woman whose message I can’t even remember. Perhaps you would expect a sleeper on the back row.…

    Aug 13
  • You Were Made For This

    I pulled up to the stop sign not far from my neighborhood. Music floated through the car like fog – not loud enough to be truly heard, but not quite soft enough to equate…

    May 10
  • Holding On

    “I’m falling, hold me,” my grandmother’s eyes were wide as she reached out her hands looking for something to grasp. “I’ve got you, Grandmother. I won’t let you fall,” I assured her. My pregnant…

    Dec 7
  • Love Letter to my Child

    Dear Colin,  I love you more than words can express.  No matter what I love you.  When you fight with Faith in the back seat, I love you then.  When your apple falls from…

    Apr 3