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Sheep To The Right

  • How You are Slowly Killing Your Marriage

    My son begged me to play a video game with him. I’m not even certain the name of it, but we could call it “Everybody Shoot Everybody,” and you’d probably get a mental picture…

    Jul 16
  • Are You Bold Enough?

    Do you consider yourself bold? Yesterday I was reading in Acts about Peter and John. After Jesus went back to Heaven and sent the Holy Spirit, the apostles did some amazing things. Peter healed…

    Jun 7
  • I Don’t Want to Be An Easy Christian

    It’s easy to be a Christian when things are good. I can wear my sparkly cross bracelet to church among people just like me and feel at home. When I’m headed to a women’s…

    Feb 6
  • Now What? Where Do We Go From Here?

    I’m not sure how to process my emotions over the last week. Every day I’ve gotten on social media and had to get right back off or bite my tongue. People have said some…

    Nov 17