Set the Captives Free

May 12


You know how much I love getting to teach and minister at the prison. I’m always asking the men to tell me their stories. I just love to hear about how God redeemed their lives.

Many times they will give me copies of the papers they’ve written for classes that tell their stories. I always ask for permission to use them in my writing. I want to share what God has done but also want to be respectful of their privacy. They always want me to share. Because in my sharing, it means their lives are being used. Their pain and bad choices aren’t just the tools that put them behind bars but are part of a greater story that God can use to change other lives. That’s powerful.

Today at the Presidential Prayer Team, I tell the story of Maurice. He would love it if you would go read it – and so would I. Click HERE to read his story of redemption.

*Remember the PPT devotion links are only direct for today, May 12. After today, you’ll have to click this date from the drop down menu on the site. 

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