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  • Holding On

    “I’m falling, hold me,” my grandmother’s eyes were wide as she reached out her hands looking for something to grasp. “I’ve got you, Grandmother. I won’t let you fall,” I assured her. My pregnant…

    Dec 7
  • No Place to Lay My Head

    I had nowhere to sleep. Completely perplexed and too tired to be logical, I stood in the hallway, pillow in hand. The stomach flu had swept through my house and claimed me in the…

    Nov 5
  • Sparkly

    It was 7:45 a.m. I needed to be up by seven, so I hoisted my pregnant body over the mound of pillows and out of the bed to stumble towards the bathroom. “Oh, I…

    Jul 11
  • The March of the Pillows

    They’re back! They’ve come in droves. One by one they’ve marched back into my bed. It’s the march of the pillows. This event was one that left my husband talking for months after the…

    May 20