How often do you do something only to do it again tomorrow? Or in a few hours? Or in ten minutes? In my house, I have a little white table in my kitchen. It’s…
Hours of hard work and skill were destroyed with one simple element – water. Within minutes it was over. Men and women fanned out on the beach and watched as the waves swept over…
He told me to ignore the call of God, and it was the best advice I ever received. I was sixteen. God had been working on me. Not like cleaning out a few cobwebs…
January 1, 1985 Dear Diary, Hi! My name is Carol Lynn Buell. I’m starting out a new year with a new resolution. It is to not take my cousin Glen’s jokes so hard! -C.B.…
I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11 NIV Can I brag for a minute? Colin earned his Sparky Award last night in AWANA. It’s a…