Colin hates cold weather, and he hates coats. Or at least he hates the coats we have for him. The past couple of days here have been pretty frigid, at least compared to Georgia’s more temperate average weather. Colin has been forced to wear a heavy coat. He doesn’t mind sweat jackets, but can not stand anything heavier. While at Wal-mart last week, I looked over their selection of new jackets thinking if Colin had one he liked, I wouldn’t have to hear the fussing and crying on the super cold mornings. We, indeed, did find one to his liking, but I didn’t buy it. I told him I’d think about it.
He is Faithful or Why I Am Not Buying Colin a New Coat
Jan 4 Ever since, he has begged me to go back and buy it for him. He has a really heavy coat but doesn’t like it because he says it’s too puffy, and he can’t move. So, we’ve forcibly agreed (Me doing the forcing. Him doing the agreeing.) on wearing a too small coat from last year that, at least, is the right weight. Meanwhile…
I have been praying about a need that I really want God to meet. I know all He would have to do is wink in my direction and POOF! Need met. But as much as I’ve prayed, there has been no winking and no poofing around here. It’s not like I’m asking for a golden mini-van with a home theater in the back. I’m asking about an honest need. Still, God has been silent. Until yesterday. Until I was reflecting on the coat. And God said – yes, I could poof your need away, and to tell you honestly, I would like to. But then you wouldn’t have really learned anything. Just like Colin, you would think that you always got what you wanted just for the asking. I want you to have a strong faith. Know that I will provide. I AM JEHOVAH-JIREH. (meaning- “The Lord will provide.”)
So, this morning I am thankful that the Lord takes time to teach one so insignificant as me. I realize He is teaching me 1. to depend on Him fully, 2. to be thankful for what I have – I have been blessed with so much, 3. to be humble – no one wants to learn this lesson, but we all need to sometimes, and 4. to be patient. This verse was in my quiet time last week:
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thes. 5:16-18 NIV
That is a big order, but I am trying to live by this verse. This morning in my quiet time God gave me this verse: Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 NIV So I’m holding on to the promises. He is faithful.
Do you feel God is being silent about something you have been praying about? Keep praying and keep listening. He may be telling you to wait. Write down either or both of these verses and claim them today. Call to JEHOVAH-JIREH. He will provide.
He will, and He does. His timing is not always our timing, rarely, in fact. But He always has our best in mind.
He is faithful!
I have been there too. Great verses for today!
Boy, do I know how you feel. Trying to sell homes during this drought has really been an eye opener about patience and faith that He WILL provide.
awesome, carol. very, very challenging and what i needed to hear today.
thank you!!
Hey You,
there is something for you over at my blog.
Okay, I know it took a while, but I DO read what you ask me to, and I’m glad I did. Those are both verses I need to claim today!