And now for the promised picture you’ve all been waiting for…
…whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
I just did it last week. Must I do it again? These were the thoughts rattling around in my head last Friday. Friday is my clean day. It is the time I reserve every seven-day-stretch to straighten, scrub, and vacuum. Normally, I strategize my day and approach it with dread. Not this day. I got the idea to use my I-pod while I vacuumed. I strapped on my I-pod, cranked up the praise tunes, and powered up the Hoover wind tunnel.
Listening to tunes about my precious Jesus fueled me. I have never cleaned with such a passion. I vacuumed like no other. The dirt was Satan and the Hoover was my Redeemer. I swept Him over the floors, not missing a spot. And just like that, my carpets were clean. Friends, if you saw a big, ole’ sunbeam shining down on Buford, Georgia last week, it was just Jesus putting a spotlight on my praise show. I did some dancin‘ and some shoutin‘! You won’t believe what happened.
When I got to the last room, I had this funny feeling – like when I’m on the last bite of Grandmother’s homemade chocolate cake with fudge icing. I didn’t want to be done. Suddenly, I understood the verse …whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. I was vacuuming for Jesus. And, friends, it felt good.
THAT WAS GREAT!!! I’ll have to give it a try.
Way to go! I so need an attitude adjustment when it comes to cleaning!
Thanks for inspiring us all with that awesome picture! Have fun gettin’ your vacuum groove on with Jesus tomorrow!
Cracks me up!!
Did you know someone was taking your picture? I’d have been mortified! No one wants to see me when I clean house.
Oh, you’re awesome! I’m enjoying your writings so much. 🙂
Yeah, once I started viewing doing my housework for Jesus it was all much easier to get through!
Okay, when does your tour start? I absolutely LOVE the picture!