My friend Amy is hosting “Then Sings my Soul Saturday.” You are to write about a song that means something to you. The song I’ve picked is by Avalon. It’s called I Bring it to You. I echoes how I feel every day. My favorite line is I bring You the scraps that make up my soul
You make me whole, I’m gold. Many times I begin or end my quiet time with this song. I hope it touches you as much as it has me. Click to listen below.
I Bring it to You
All of these words on paper
All of these thoughts in my head
The times I feel out of favor
The fear that sleeps in my bed
All of these stones in my pocket
My dreams that crashed on the shore
Faith when I thought I lost it
I lay it all at Your door
I bring it to You
There’s wonder in all that You do
I bring You the scraps that make up my soul
You make me whole, I’m gold
I bring it to You
Songs I’ve shouted to heaven
The grace I’ve never deserved
All these gifts I’ve been given
The life that I find in Your word
I bring it to You
There’s wonder in all that You do
I bring You the scraps that make up my soul
You make me whole, I’m gold
I bring it to You
I give You the glory
And I praise Your holy name
But more than anything
I bring You love
I bring You love
I bring it to You
There’s wonder in all that You do
I bring You the scraps that make up my soul
You make me whole, I’m gold
I bring it to You
I bring it to You
There’s wonder in all that You do
I bring You the scraps that make up my soul
You make me whole, I’m gold
I bring it to You

p.s. If you want to see another of my favorite songs, click HERE and watch the video! 😉
Beautiful….Love those lyrics..
You are hilarious!
And I love the Avalon song. I had never heard that one before. I love that He is able to take the scraps of my soul and make me whole. Beautiful!
Thanks for sharing this song….and your video! 🙂
Love ya’!
That is such a beautiful song!
Oh my! I just read your writer interupted (wish this had spell check) piece and LOVED it. It is so exactly how we writers are in this lifestyle. People always come first-Love God’s way-that is the way Jesus would see it. Whatever you had in your head God will make it even better because you took the time for that woman who you impacted for eternity. That just really blessed me.
Much love,
Carol, shorts?! Last Tuesday when I was wearing my 5 layers?! Grrr! Well, at least you gave me something to look forward to…thanks for dropping by..did note it was after my contest closed..hmmm…
be blessed, anyway..
do love these lyrics..
I had not heard this song before. How beautiful!
I have never heard this before until recently. I love it. I am going to put it in my you tube favorites. I love this idea so I can see what all of you ladies are listening to and find some new songs. By the way cute blog. I will be back to check out some other posts later.
Beautiful, I love it!!!
This is a new one for me. Thanks for the blessing!
I’ve never heard this song! I love it. Thanks for sharing.
I’m glad to have found your blog. I love meeting other Sister’s in Christ.
Bless you!
I absolutely loves those lyrics! Powerful! Thank you so much for sharing because I didn’t know this song.
Have a blessed Saturday!
The lyrics itself tell how great the song is… I'm glad to meet mom who love the Lord.