Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:6-7 NIV
Ever have God show you something over and over again? Lately, for me it has been “the sparrow.” I see merchandise with the line from the song His Eye is on the Sparrow. I read the verses in the Bible talking about it. Someone just happens to mention a sparrow in casual conversation. Over and over again.
A couple of weeks ago, I was cruising through the 70% off table at Belk’s. You know I love me a good bargain. (I got it honest. I swear, my mama can walk in a store, and they just give her stuff.) Anyway, back to my story. I walked in Belk’s and there sat the cutest little bird. At $3.00, he was just calling, “Cheap, Cheap!” So, of course he came home with me. I found just the right spot in my dining room in a framed shadow box. Every time I look at that bird I hear, “His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.” I’ve decided I need something with that written on it to put next to him. Don’t you love how God sends reminders of His love even on the bargain table at Belk’s?
Listen to the lyrics of this old song and tell me…why do you feel discouraged today? His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches you.
Enjoy the video. Sandi Patty is singing. Or I should say sanging, cause that girl can sang! I know when Jesus returns He will ask Sandi to lead us all in How Great Thou Art. She’s just that good.
I'm one sassy southern Mama who loves Jesus and isn't afraid to shout it. My passions are Jesus, my husband, my kids, and chocolate. I'm a teacher turned Christian writer. Ask me why I love Jesus and be prepared to sit a spell.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, but don't forget to love your neighbor as yourself. I am a firm believer that we can change the world one person at a time - by being Christ with the skin on to those who are in need.
Are you a sheep or a goat?
Well, I’m with you on Sandi leading the choir… she has always been a favorite of mine. Thanks for sharing this, I have not heard her sing this song and it is one of my all time favorite songs.
SitaAug 30 at 4:44 am
Carol, I closed my eyes to revel yet again in Sandi’s voice and those timeless words. This week I’ve seen so many of us caring for our aging parents. It is so comforting to know that His eye is on them, He is their portion. Thank you. You’re right, Sandi will be leading in worship up yonder!
PeggyAug 30 at 6:13 am
She sure is Carol that Sandi Patti sang like no other…I love her… as my favorite of my past with Twila. But no one can sing like this one. I love His Eye is on the Sparrow and did not know she sang it! I thought only Cece Winans or someone like her. Bless you for finding a special sale on sparrows…they do not chirp Cheap(lol)(there's that humor again) they actually sing praises…you better listen again!!! I'm so thankful for the encouragement I've found with the first 2 songs I picked to hear…God knows exactly what you need & when you need it! I'm glad He watches over me, and you and all the rest of the sheep, too…and even the little sparrows! Blessings and thanks! Enjoy your TSMSS and your weekend! Stay dry!
life is a blessingAug 30 at 6:54 am
Fantastic song!!! I have heard of Sandi Patty but have never heard her (or at least, knew I was listening to her). What a beautiful voice!
Xandra@Heart-of-ServiceAug 30 at 12:11 pm
I love this song. I have it on a disc that I play in the treatment room as our patients are receiving their radation treatment.
BethAnneAug 30 at 12:55 pm
You are soo right – she can sang! I love that little sparrow! (my mom gets great deals too – never me) What a great reminder of God’s love for you right in front of you everyday!
hip chickAug 30 at 2:07 pm
I love the old songs like that. They are just so pretty and meaningful.
KelleyAug 30 at 2:35 pm
I LOVE this song!!! And you are right, that Sandy Patti can SING! Oh, and have I told you how much I enjoy that southern talk of yours (I know I have!!).
Have a great weekend….
CathyAug 30 at 6:23 pm
A very encouraging and beautiful video ~
CarmenAug 30 at 7:16 pm
Carol, Go here and listen to m’gurrrl who can saaang! You’ll enjoy her…yes, she really is white.
She’ll be the worship @ the conference I’ll be doing inOctober (prayers, please!)…I’ve had the privilege of worshiping alongside her on our praise team over the past few years…nothing like it.
Second Prize: Chocolate Orange Lil Grubby Candle from The Soap Maker's Shop
Hope to see you there!
Deborah & Colleen The Chocolistas
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
Colleen @ Mommie Daze
KimberlySep 2 at 3:00 pm
I love how God speaks. How He keeps bringing the same thing up over and over to help us hear Him. And I love stuff like Him speaking through a good sale! 🙂
His love is just so amazing to me! Blessings, friend! K
Laurie AnnSep 2 at 8:30 pm
She sure can sang! God’s love is so personal and intimate. Loved your post, too! It’s amazing the lessons we learn, even from bargain tables, isn’t it?
Well, I’m with you on Sandi leading the choir… she has always been a favorite of mine. Thanks for sharing this, I have not heard her sing this song and it is one of my all time favorite songs.
Carol, I closed my eyes to revel yet again in Sandi’s voice and those timeless words. This week I’ve seen so many of us caring for our aging parents. It is so comforting to know that His eye is on them, He is their portion. Thank you. You’re right, Sandi will be leading in worship up yonder!
She sure is Carol that Sandi Patti sang like no other…I love her…
as my favorite of my past with Twila.
But no one can sing like this one. I love His Eye is on the Sparrow and did not know she sang it! I thought only Cece Winans or someone like her.
Bless you for finding a special sale on sparrows…they do not chirp Cheap(lol)(there's that humor again)
they actually sing praises…you better listen again!!! I'm so thankful for the encouragement I've found with the first 2 songs I picked to hear…God knows exactly what you need & when you need it!
I'm glad He watches over me, and you and all the rest of the sheep, too…and even the little sparrows!
Blessings and thanks! Enjoy your TSMSS and your weekend! Stay dry!
Fantastic song!!! I have heard of Sandi Patty but have never heard her (or at least, knew I was listening to her). What a beautiful voice!
I love this song. I have it on a disc that I play in the treatment room as our patients are receiving their radation treatment.
You are soo right – she can sang! I love that little sparrow! (my mom gets great deals too – never me) What a great reminder of God’s love for you right in front of you everyday!
I love the old songs like that. They are just so pretty and meaningful.
I LOVE this song!!! And you are right, that Sandy Patti can SING! Oh, and have I told you how much I enjoy that southern talk of yours (I know I have!!).
Have a great weekend….
A very encouraging and beautiful video ~
Go here and listen to m’gurrrl who can saaang! You’ll enjoy her…yes, she really is white.
She’ll be the worship @ the conference I’ll be doing inOctober (prayers, please!)…I’ve had the privilege of worshiping alongside her on our praise team over the past few years…nothing like it.
“Cheap Cheap” That CRACKED ME UP!!!
I LOVE little birds like this and I LOVE this song. It was my granddad’s favorite so I always think of him when I hear it. 🙂
This is very beautiful. I have never heard of her before. Thank you so much for sharing such a blessing!
Great song. When I was a teenager Sandi was one of my favorites!
I absolutely love this song and she can certainly sing it like no one else! I needed this song today. Thanks.
Beautiful choice. I love her and the song to.
How perfect! Thanks for sharing!
Hey, Carol! Please take a minute to hop over to my Sunday blog! Hugs!
Great song and she has such a beautiful voice. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!
You are invited to:
Name That Chocolate Dessert Contest
September 1 – 13
First Prize: Hot Chocolate Dress from Emberlish
Second Prize: Chocolate Orange Lil Grubby Candle from The Soap Maker's Shop
Hope to see you there!
Deborah & Colleen
The Chocolistas
Deborah @ Comfort Joy Designs
Colleen @ Mommie Daze
I love how God speaks. How He keeps bringing the same thing up over and over to help us hear Him. And I love stuff like Him speaking through a good sale! 🙂
His love is just so amazing to me!
Blessings, friend!
She sure can sang! God’s love is so personal and intimate. Loved your post, too! It’s amazing the lessons we learn, even from bargain tables, isn’t it?