Not So Perfect

Mar 17

My daughter Faith brought me a pink piece of Hello Kitty notebook paper the other day. She had written out John 3:16 in its entirety. My heart burst with pride as I asked her if I could keep it. I placed it next to my computer and have looked at it for a week now.

In it, there are some lessons to be learned.

1. Give up perfect. Nothing and no one is without fault – except Jesus. It’s okay to do your best and not be flawless. Don’t let fear of failure stop you from trying. Faith didn’t let not knowing how to spell all the words slow her down. She went with what she did know, and that was John 3:16.

2. God DID love the world so much that He allowed His only Son to die for my sin – and yours.

3. WHOEVER believes in Him can have eternal life – not just the perfect people.

4. Give up perfect. Nothing and no one is without fault – except Jesus. It’s okay to do your best and not be flawless. Don’t let fear of failure stop you from trying…

Do you sense a theme here??

And this is what was on the other side…phew! That’s a whole other devotion!

(For those of you who can’t read inventive spelling, it says, “Bow Down and worship the Lord who deserves it.” She told me she just made this one up.)

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  • Lynnette Mar 17 at 12:50 pm

    I love this! My daughter is writing in the same "language" right now, so I had no trouble reading it.

    Faith like a child.

  • Amy Wyatt Mar 17 at 1:14 pm

    LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Allison M Mar 17 at 3:25 pm


  • Cheri Mar 18 at 12:08 pm


  • Barbara Mar 19 at 1:10 am

    What a blessing to know that children are absorbing what you are teaching….write the words in their hearts and when they are old they will not depart from it….
    Cute post!

  • Bee Jay Mar 22 at 9:15 pm

    Very sweet and worth keeping – for many reasons!

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