Palm Sunday

Mar 28

The sound was deafening. Eager bodies pushed past to get a closer glimpse. Some threw palm branches down in the road – an ancient custom to honor one so great. Others laid their own garments in the dusty path.

As He approached on a borrowed donkey, those in the crowd shouted with jubilance, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

All who were near felt the presence of the Lord. One couldn’t help but shout praises and join in the joyful celebration.

But the political climate was unsteady. Jesus’ presence made others nervous. Some Pharisees made their way to Christ and thought they would admonish him and tame the crowds.

“Teacher, rebuke your disciples!” (Luke 19:39 NIV) They hissed, hoping to keep control.

“I tell you,” [Jesus] replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” (v.40)

As you begin this Holy Week, take time to reflect on the Christ’s great sacrifice. Read the Easter story with your family.

Here is a link to a fun cooking activity to do with kids. Who ever thought you could tell the Easter story while making cookies? Click HERE to give it a try.

Have a blessed week!

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  • Cheri Mar 29 at 9:12 am

    Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

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