Fire Safety App for Kids

Oct 8


October is Fire Safety month.

Back in the years when I was a teacher, as October rolled around I would plan all sorts of Fire Safety lessons and activities. Now that I’m a mom, I understand the importance of kids knowing what to do if there is a fire.

Recently, I downloaded a new FREE app called Sparky’s Birthday Surprise. It didn’t take long for Grace to find it and give it a try. The app will read a story to your kids, while allowing them to interact with the characters and items on the screen.

There is a cute fire safety music video, a coloring page (always a favorite!) and some educational games. Grace actually came to me for days asking to play Sparky again and again. I was happy because the app was educational, but a week later I really learned its significance.


“Mama,” Grace came to find me and pulled my hand through the house. “Look!” She drug me down the hall and pointed at the ceiling. “It’s just like Sparky! It tells us if there is a fire,” she told me.

We walked through the whole house while she pointed out all the smoke detectors. All the while, she was telling me safety rules.

“You ‘posed to go outside if there is a fire.”

“Fire is hot!”

“Firemen help us.”

I loved it! If you have a little one, take some time today and download the Sparky’s Birthday Surprise App or the e-book. Click HERE to download either.

If you are a homeschooler or teacher, click HERE to get some teaching guides and printables.

And don’t forget to check the batteries in your smoke detectors!

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