Well, after a run last night I finally came up with something nice I could do for my challenge. I decided to write a note of encouragement to a friend of mine and compliment her character. Doesn’t it seem we often get compliments on our appearance? I thought a character compliment would be very meaningful. I thought I’d mail it today. And then this morning God was all up in my house! I’ll share later all about how good MY God is!
So I ended up calling my friend, Leigh, to tell her about my praise story. This was the same friend I was going to compliment, so I told her about my idea to write her a card. Then I told her I was just going to tell her myself what I would have written. She is one of the most beautiful people I know. When I say beautiful I don’t just mean her outward appearance. But she does make jeans, a pony tail, and no make-up look gorgeous. This girl shines from the inside out. She has one of the most pure and genuine hearts. She loves Jesus. She doesn’t just say she loves Him, she lives it. This is a person you are drawn to. You want to just sit down and not leave her presence because she seems so genuine and so comfortable in her own skin. She just oozes Christ. Everyone who knows Leigh, loves Leigh. She is just that special. So I ended up telling her that over the phone. I heard lots of sniffles from the other side and “thank you, thank you.” Don’t you just love making people feel good? I do!
Tonight, I met with my girlfriend Amy and bought her dessert. Okay, I know that just almost doesn’t compare with the compliments I gave Leigh, but it was cheesecake. With chocolate, no less. AND a Diet Coke. Cheesecake and a Diet Coke. Can I get an “Amen”?
More to come later on how awesome my God is! Check back for Day #3!!
Very Very cool! MUCH more spiritual and kind that me allowing Chad to sleep in our room!!!