Sep 14

Howdy y’all! Are you up for a challenge? I have two for you. They should be fun and I know you will be blessed by them.

Okay, here is the first. I was reading Woman’s Day and there was an article in there about doing nice things for people. Hopefully, you are nice to people every day, but this was about going out of your way to be nice. Here were some of the examples given by the article, which was titled how to make someone’s day…for $20 or less (even nothing)*.

1. Compliment random strangers – I actually do this one quite a bit. It’s very easy, and you’d be surprised how people’s faces light up. You know, say stuff like “I love that skirt” or “You have a beautiful family.” I love getting compliments. I alway say you can ride on a good compliment for at least a week. People will be thinking about what you said long after you’ve gone.

2. Surprise service people with a treat – If you are having your car serviced, grab a box of donuts on the way. Or take cookies for the doctor’s office staff next time you have a visit.

3. Call an old friend and invite her over for coffee

4. Buy a complete stanger breakfast or lunch – I love this one! It said to pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru line at McDonald’s or wherever else you may be eating. How fun is that?

5. Volunteer to help an elderly neighbor with some yardwork – You could pay a teenager in the neighborhood to do it for you and help two people at once.

6. Make a special mix CD to send to a friend who might need it – I’m always in the need for good music. So you can send one to me! J/K

7. Let someone in front of you in traffic – I do this one sometimes, but don’t get a thank you wave. I have to really re-evaluate why I did it in the first place. Remember, we do nice things just to be nice, not to get something in return! It really shouldn’t matter if they wave or not.

My challenge to you is to do something from this list or make up something of your own at least once a day for a week. It’s going to be fun!

Since we are doing nice things, we don’t want to leave out the most important one of all – our Heavenly Father. My girlfriend Amanda is going to Community Bible Study and they are doing a study on Revelations. She said that this past week they talked about how we should try taking 24 hours and not ask God for anything. That’s right, you heard me – NOTHING, NA-DA. Instead, during that day, reflect over the many blessings you have been given and thank Him for those. Then just praise Him. Wow!

You think that sounds easy until you try it. I thought I’d try today and then my family was all leaving for a trip to Mexico, and I realized that I had to cover them in prayer. Maybe tomorrow! I think we will find ourselves blessed. God is going to love it, too. Wouldn’t you love it if your kids went all day without asking for anything? Then when they did say something it was thankgiving for the things you’ve given them and praise for what wonderful parents you are. I would SO love that!

Are you ready? Let me know if you accept the challenge. If you do, then sign in with Mr. Linky and you can post the details about your exciting week. I am going to journal the things I do, then I’ll post them in a week! I want to hear about your week also!! Keep checking back with the links on Mr. Linky. Not everyone will start on the same day. 🙂 Have fun!

*By the way, the article I read in Woman’s Day was from the October 2, 2007 issue found on page 60, written by Sascha Zuger.

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  • Stephanie (Ocean Mommy) Sep 14 at 9:31 pm

    Very cool challenge…. You’re on!

    Anticipating Him,

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