Love Letter to my Child

Apr 3

Dear Colin,

 I love you more than words can express.  No matter what I love you.  When you fight with Faith in the back seat, I love you then.  When your apple falls from the tree at school, I love you.  When you knock yourself silly falling from the monkey bars when you know you aren’t supposed to be on top, I love you.

 You stole my heart from the beginning.  Before you entered this world, God put you in my heart, and I loved you. When you lose your teeth and smile that toothless smile at me, I love you.  When you slip away to your room only to return in full Peter Pan costume, I love you.  I love that you cuddle your stuffed animals and sleep in spaceship pajamas.  I love the way your hair sticks up in the back if it’s not combed just the right way.  I love every hair on your head.  When you forget to rinse your toothpaste spit out of the sink, I love you.  When you strike out in a baseball game, I love you.  And when you are so busy watching the other team you let a ball roll right past you, I love you then. 

I love it when you ask for “mama-lovin” or when you ask if you’ll always be my baby even though you know the answer.  You are precious to me.  Son, there is something you must understand.  There is nothing.  I mean nothing you could ever do to make me stop loving you.  You may make bad choices sometimes.  I may be sad about things you say or do, but there is nothing you could do to lose my love.  You are my child, my first-born. 

So, when you ask how much I love you and my eyes just sparkle, it’s because I cannot even put it into words.  I love you infinity.


**This could be the love letter from your Heavenly Father to you, as well.

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  • Stephanie (Ocean Mommy) Apr 3 at 5:15 pm

    Okay, I’m typing and crying….so precious Carol.

  • Starla Apr 3 at 6:17 pm

    When I was reading the letter, I thought about how God loves us. Great post!!!

  • Sarah Apr 3 at 6:31 pm

    Carol, this is precious! I know that I didn’t understand as clearly as I do now God’s love for me until I had a child. And I love that picture with the adorable toothless grin!

  • Jenifer Apr 4 at 2:10 am

    I am sooooo thankful that there is nothing I can ever do to make God stop loving me. Praise His name!


  • Cheri Apr 4 at 2:59 am

    I love that song.
    Beautiful letter to your son!

  • kmom3 Apr 4 at 1:43 pm

    What a treasure for your son! I remember your birthday letter to your daughter, too!
    You are a terrific mom, Carol! You feel blessed to have your children and I know they are blessed to have you!
    Thanks for giving us a peak at your beautiful heart! 🙂
    Love you,
    (and that is one of my all time favorite songs!!!!)

  • BethAnne Apr 4 at 8:51 pm


  • Christina Apr 6 at 1:46 am

    I like the song and the clip, but I really loved the things you wrote. This song spoke volumes in a short clip.

  • Darlene Apr 7 at 5:42 pm

    Please pray for my family. My daughter in in rebellion and in the process of making a bad decision that will affect her future and ours forever. Joey and I need strength and guidance. I am afraid that Andrea is turning her back on God. all over a non-christian male that is deciving her. Please add us to your prayer list at church and ask your friends to pray for us.

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