I walk in at her prompting; she’d called my name over and over like the non-stop hum of the a/c. “Mamamamamama.” My entrance stops her mid-stream,and she exchanges chatter for grins.
Her little brown eyes pool in my heart; my eyes follow with tiny puddles of their own. She hands me her bear and points at the pacifier on the floor at my feet. Handing back the paci is routine, and I wait for her to drop back in the bed feigning how she doesn’t want to leave it. She does it every day.
And I go along – inviting her to breakfast downstairs, asking if she slept well, begging for morning kisses, reaching out my arms. She babbles in reply, sometimes giggling and hiding her face in the pink blanket she loves.
As I wait for her to stand, my heart pulls and stretches to full. This is my life.
I close my eyes and breathe in deep. My nose is filled with the smell of it.
The smell of normal.
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 KJV
Relish today in your own normal. Drink in each moment.