In Need of Prayer

May 22

Please join me in praying for the Steven Curtis Chapman family.  For those of you you don’t know, they lost their youngest daughter in a terrible accident yesterday.  You can read about it HERE.  Steven wrote the song Cinderella about his youngest daughters. This is the video about how he wrote the song.  Makes you want to hug your own.  

Please also be in prayer for me as I travel to North Carolina to speak at the Extreme Spiritual Makeover Conference.  I won’t be blogging for several days.  Pray for the hearts of the ladies there, as well.  Thank you!

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  • Stephanie (Ocean Mommy) May 22 at 4:36 pm

    This does make you want to squeeze the little ones God’s trusted us with a little harder.

    I’m praying for you! I know you’re going to be awesome! 🙂

    Can’t wait to hear what He does.


  • kmom3 May 22 at 4:51 pm

    I will for sure join you in prayer for both of these requests. My heart aches for this family.

    Praying that lives are touched this weekend at the conference. I know that you are willing vessel for God to speak through. May He do a mighty work through you and Amy!


  • Stephanie (Ocean Mommy) May 24 at 1:22 pm

    Hey girl!

    It’s Saturday morning and I just wanted you to know God’s put you and Amy on my heart this morning!

    I’m praying!!!


  • Jess May 25 at 6:09 pm

    i hope the conference goes well!


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