Dropping Breadcrumbs

Aug 6

***Due to technical difficulties on the Writer Interrupted Blog site, my devotion is posted here in its entirety.


Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, the road that you take.  Jeremiah 31:21 NIV


Hansel and Gretel dropped breadcrumbs from their pockets in order to find the way back home.  Unfortunately, birds and squirrels ate the tasty morsels, and the poor children were lost. 


The Israelite children were lost, too.  They lived in captivity for many years.  Because of their continual disobedience and idol worship, God allowed His chosen people to be carried into exile.  He promised, however, they would return.  On this journey home, He told His people “Set up road signs; put up guideposts. Take note of the highway, 
the road that you take.  Return, O Virgin Israel, return to your towns.”  Like Hansel and Gretel, the Israelites were to mark the path towards home. 


The marked path would help guide themselves and others back and serve as a reminder of where they had been.


If I were living as a prisoner and was released to return home, you can bet with certainty I would take note of the highway and put up guideposts to mark my homecoming.  But, wait!  I have been living as a prisoner – a prisoner of sin.  At least, I was until my homecoming with Christ.  When I came home to Christ, I was released from that prison.  Yet, I stop and ask myself how I have marked the pathway.  Did I mark it with the breadcrumbs of Hansel and Gretel to be eaten by the woodland animals?  Or have I put up solid guideposts to permanently map my way home for others to follow?


How about you?  If you get off of the path, will you be able to find your way back?  Take some time to take note of the highway and set up some road signs to commemorate your own journey home.


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  • Lelia Chealey Aug 6 at 6:00 am

    This is so good!! Loved the analogy of Hansel & Gretel.

  • Kimberly Aug 6 at 1:19 pm

    (I couldn’t see the anti-spam word, so I’ll just post my comment here!) 🙂

    Wow, Carol. You have given me a lot to think about today. Am I setting up guideposts and signs that not only others can follow, but also that can help me get back on the path when I waiver? I love how God speaks to you!

  • Peggy Aug 6 at 5:49 pm

    Bless you Carol…love the intro…
    sounds like one of the last series I heard from my church last summer when I was home…looking forward to reading the rest at Writer Interrupted!

    You always do so well with analogies!

    I so appreciate your comment on my marriage…but you’d have to know the whole story to know that I am where God wants me. I agree with your advice for most marriages but
    not this one! I do appreciate you and your wisdom! My husband is pretty much in control of my coming home…due to finances. But
    God is ultimately in control!

    I have gone home in past summers and trust me the conflicts within the first 48 hours make me question
    why I make the trip or have hopes to restore or stay. He is glad to
    have his home and very territorial.
    This has been a long journey and acceptance on both our parts! I did make a trip this past weekend
    just to the border for my permits and returned here and the cost was more than my entire month allotment. Plus van repairs ahead of time just to make this trip. 3
    days more of traveling at USA gas prices not even conceivable. I’m thankful that I had his help just this much!

    I guess I need to set up better road signs and guideposts! I take careful note of the highway and roads depending totally on God!
    His plan is good for me and for my husband!The problem is that sometimes there are detours!
    I trust HE alone knows my heart and what is best for me! and thus the same for my hubby which at this time does not seem to include me…sometimes God needs to remove the obstacles (me) to get to the person (him)! Bless you so much for your encouragement and care!

    Missed reading your posts! Have alot to catch up on!and laptop
    problems…or maybe IE7..not sure

  • Leah Aug 7 at 9:20 am

    Great thoughts!! The Hansel and Gretel analogy was so good. It is so easy to get off track and then so hard to get back on sometimes. The Word of God will always bring us back if we will just go to it.


  • HisPrincess Aug 7 at 10:52 pm

    I certainly need to set up better road signs.

    I get lost, and it takes me forever to even realise I’m lost. In fact I don’t seem to realise that I was lost until I’m back, so I never figure out how I got lost or how I got back….

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