Carol had a little lamb
Little lamb, Little lamb
Carol had a little lamb
Whose fleece was white as snow.
And everywhere that Carol went
Carol went, Carol went
Everywhere that Carol went
Her lamb was sure to go.
She had to take her to school one day
School one day, school one day
She had to take her to school one day
To follow all the rules.
She got there and she laughed and played
Laughed and played, laughed and played
She got there and she laughed and played
She had so much fun at school.
And her teacher was so nice
Was so nice, was so nice
And her teacher was so nice,
To Carol’s little lamb at school.
The lamb waited for Carol to pick her up
Pick her up, pick her up
She waited for Carol to pick her up
‘Cause she was done with school.
“Why does the lamb love Carol so?
Love Carol so? Love Carol so?
Why does the lamb love Carol so?”
The other children cry.
“Why, Carol loves the lamb, you know.
Loves the lamb, you know. Loves the lamb, you know.
Why, Carol loves the lamb, you know.”
The teacher did reply.
**Faith started 4 yr. Pre-K on Thursday and absolutely loves it! Praise the Lord!
That is a lovely photo and lovely words! My little girl starts “big school” at the end of January next year, and I’m starting to feel more nervous than she is, and it’s only September! I will make sure I remember your words when she starts and know that God is keeping His ever watchful eye over her. Paula 🙂
That is just darling…and she is too! -Blessings, Laurie
Good job Mom!!
I knew you’d make it!
So glad she loves it – makes it just a little bit easier on mommy to leave, doesnt it?
What a cutie!!! I’m glad she had a great first day!!!
my four year old just started pre-k also on Wednesday and her name is Kierstyn Faith…we call her Faithy…i love that name…although one time I called out for her and said ‘O Little Faith!!!’…and of course I thought of me. ;o/
She is beautiful! I’m so glad she loved preK!
hee hee! Too cute! Your song AND your little lamb!
I was just reading about first days of school over at Amy’s. I LOVE kindergarten! I love the fun things they do!
Blessings to your sweetie in this fun new season of her life!!!
Oh, bless her heart! And her Mama’s heart, too! I loved teaching 4K! She will have a wonderful year! Have a great weekend!
What a sweet poem. It looks like she is ready for her first day, how cute.
i loved this!!! you ALWAYS make me grin.
Your cutie poem almost made me cry! My littlest will start kindergarten next year. It made me think of my little lamb, and she does love me so…because I love her so, you know.
Thanks for this!
And thanks for chatting back! You’re awesome! Sorry for the previous typo!