Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes for our family, but especially for Grace. Today we were surprised when we arrived at the hospital to find her much improved. She was wiggling this way and that. We still have a few days in the NICU ahead, but even her nurse commented, “She is really improving fast.” She may not have understood why, but I did.
James 5:16 tells us to “pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.” I know you are praying for me. Thank you. I love you all.

We ARE praying, and there is SO much power in His name! Love the photo . . . that is exactly the image I saw in the video Alan sent!
Love you!
Oh what wonderful news!
Awesome, amazing, blessed news! So glad to hear that Grace is doing much better. I will continue to pray for her and your entire family.
Im so happy she is doing better! Won't be long till she's home with you. I know you just can't wait for that day. Hugs, Cheri
Oh, sweet friend!!! I am so sorry!!
Ike spent 2 weeks in the NICU, so I know that awful feeling of leaving your baby there. When you aren't there, you feel guilty, when you are there, you feel guilty about your other kids – oh girl, I know. I know. I am so so sorry.
The fact that she was early but is eating is FABULOUS! Ike had to stay mostly because he did not know how to suck – frustrating. I am so glad she can suck. That is a HUGE blessing. And that big ole girl – she needed to get out!!
The only thing I can say is 1) God will use this and you will be an even bigger encouragement to others. You never know how awful other moms feel until you have been there. Now, even when a baby is in the NICU for a "minor" issue, like not sucking, you will be able to empathize and comfort her via the Holy Spirit in a way you could never have done before.
2) The biggest silver lining in all of it is that I got to sleep at night. You have had other babies – you know this is huge. I enjoyed Ike's infancy more than any of the others because I was very well rested by the time he came home. He would wake up at 3am and I would SMILE at him – that never happened before! Of course you wish she were home with you – but a week or 2 of sleep recovery, girl, a little – make that a big – blessing in the midst of all the fear and chaos. Sleep, sleep, sleep, and don't you dare feel guilty about it.
3 – the other blessing: these NICU babies come home on perfect 3 hour feeding schedules 🙂 All those nurses are scheduling your baby for you. And Eva Rose was a 10 lb baby, and those big babies sleep! She slept thru the night at 5 weeks. Hallelujah.
She will be home soon Carol, and this will all be a bad memory.
much love and prayers –
What great news….
Praying for your little one. It is so hard to wait for her to come home with you, I'm sure. May you stay every close to your Lord.