The Perfect Tattoo

Jul 16

I felt her presence beside me and looked up to see my daughter with her hands together in the beg position. “Mama, can I pleeeease have this tattoo?” she asked holding out the item in question.

I glanced at the tattoo and recognized it as the cereal box prize from her breakfast. “Sure,” I told her, “Just get me a damp washcloth, and I’ll help you.” Faith disappeared only to return seconds later with a Toy Story washcloth dripping water on the carpet below.

We selected just the right spot on her arm and placed the tattoo picture side down. I squeezed water over the top and wrapped the wet cloth around her arm. As I did, I remembered the last tattoo I helped to apply. I didn’t go well. To avoid another meltdown, I gave Faith a warning.

“Okay, I am putting this tattoo on your arm following the directions exactly. But the thing with tattoos is they often don’t come out perfect – no matter how hard you try. Are you prepared for the fact this tattoo might not come out perfect?”

Her brown eyes widened, and she nodded her head seriously.

“And you promise to be happy no matter what?”

“Yes, m’am,” she assured me.

I slowly unwrapped the washcloth and peeled off the backing. Two little rock-n-roll girls playing guitars appeared on her forearm. Just as I peeled away the last corner, one little star stayed stuck to the backing.

“It’s perfect!” she squealed. “I don’t need that star anyway. Thank you, Mommy.”

Faith decided she would love it before I unveiled the picture. When the image didn’t come out perfect, it didn’t matter. She already made up her mind to be happy.

For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:11-13 NIV

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  • Bee Jay Jul 17 at 12:37 am

    How true – one happy little girl!

  • Kelly Combs Jul 17 at 1:03 am

    I love this post for 2 reasons. #1 – the lesson. It is so true. We make up our mind – and we should make up our mind to be content.

    #2 – those tattoos never come out right (well, rarely) and I could so relate to the drama!!! I have a 6 yr old. 🙂

  • Kimberly Jul 17 at 1:24 pm

    I definitely understand the tattoo drama, too! 🙂

    I love, love, love this line from your post…"Faith decided she would love it before I unveiled the picture."

    That just really spoke to my heart this morning about the attitude I need to have. What an excellent example of that verse, Carol! I love it when God brings us deeper understanding of His Word in the small every day happenings around us.

    I'm taking this with me today! Deciding in my heart I love all that God has planned for me before He unveils another single thing. 🙂 He is amazing and so worthy of my praise!
    Love ya'!

  • Idontevenknowwhoiam Jul 23 at 3:58 am

    This was very uplifting and much needed at the moment! Thank You!

  • Lynn - JnL4God Jul 24 at 4:09 pm

    So Awesome, Just what I needed this morning.

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