Alan said the bear looked like Cousin It, and Faith said it was a slug. As the night progressed, the icing ran all over the cake.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. 3 John 1:4 NIV
I love planning birthday parties for my kids. I get into creating themed parties with decor and food to match. And I pride myself in making my children’s birthday cakes.
Over the years, I’ve made a 3 ft light saber, a 3-tiered Dora cake, a princess doll cake, a teapot cake with matching cupcake teacups, a half-pipe skateboard cake, a giant sheriff’s star, individual cakes with Twinkie girls in sleeping bags, a pirate ship… You get the idea. While I love to make fun cakes, they don’t always turn out as planned.
This year, Faith had a bear themed party, and I made a 3-D teddy bear to sit on top of a sheet cake. I was going for simple. Only I was in a rush to ice it before the guests arrived, and the icing ran – all down the back of the cake. It looked AWFUL! Faith said it looked like a slug.
Every time we looked at the cake, we burst into laughter. A week later, Faith suggested I write a devotion about it. I was impressed she was able to take a situation like that and turn it into a devotion. She loves to write, so I suggested she write the devotion. I promised I would publish it on my site.
So, she wrote it. But I submitted it, instead, to a devotional website for kids. And they accepted it!!
I never posted pictures of my cake for my friends on Facebook, because it looked so terrible. What good can come out of an ugly cake? Who would have thought that cake disaster would be the catalyst to my daughter getting published? God truly can use anything.
What messy situation are you looking at today? Give your slug cake to God and see what He can do with it. I promise you’ll be blessed!
I would love you to read Faith’s devotion and leave her a comment. Click HERE to read her devotion.