Is Jesus Cold? and Mission Trip Update

Feb 11


Hey Friends! First of all, let me give you an update on the fundraiser for my mission trip to the Dominican Republic. I’ve been overwhelmed at your generosity and the way God provides.

God called me to go, and He has sent the money to cover the expenses – some of it through many of you. First, you have Facebook shared my post “How Being Still Is Causing Me to Go” 468 times! Thank you!

I set a goal to sell 75 shirts. So far, I’ve sold 65 of them, but you have donated above and beyond the sale of the shirt. On the Booster site, I have raised (including the sale of the shirts) $890!!


My t-shirt fundraiser isn’t over yet! It has 7 days to go. After that time, you won’t be able to order the Everyday Missionary shirt anymore. If you wanted one but haven’t ordered yet, HERE is the link to the site. Please continue to share the link with your Facebook friends. I’ve had many people buy shirts that I don’t even know because you shared it with them.

I may be the one going to the Dominican, but I carry each one of you in my heart as I go. Thank you!


I’m also posting a Giggles and Grace column over at Just 18 Summers today. You won’t believe what Grace told me while we were driving down the road the other day. Click HERE for a good chuckle.

In Him,

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